Berlin, 1.10.2023 - Germany's best sportswear brand for individual sportswear, artiva sports from Berlin, is to become the official supplier of the largest and leading corporate running event organizer B2RUN. The agreement has been concluded for the next three years and, according to the wishes of both contractual partners, is to be continued beyond that.
From now on, the more than 10,000 participating companies and their more than 200,000 runners in the B2RUN series will have direct access to Germany's most innovative and highest quality running articles in the individual sportswear segment. All you have to do is tick the box when registering that the participating company is interested in being contacted by artiva sports to receive information about customized corporate running wear.
It couldn't be easier.
"We are proud to partner with the B2RUN and do our part to promote sports and team spirit in the business world. Our customized sports and running apparel, which we will develop for the B2RUN participating companies, are the result of our passion for high-quality sports equipment and individual design. Thanks to our enthusiasm and commitment, the runners will identify even more with their own company. B2RUN participants will love our commitment, customer friendliness and professionalism." Promises ARTIVA brand founder Gunter Seat von Foullon (50).